Saturday, September 17, 2011

Watering the Plants and setting goals

So, I'm learning a few things dipping my toe into the blogosphere...

Developing a successful blog takes patience and developing a successful blog takes effort; work, even.  I've discovered many new (for me) blogs in the past few weeks (all natural hair blogs-see my blog roll) and one of them, the natural haven, in its "things people do not tell you" post reminded me that as a blogger, it takes a long time to gain popularity.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on the planet, shouting out into the universe.  But I will continue to post, even if I think nobody's reading (I know some of you are, and I appreciate it) because a) it's thereapeutic- getting my thoughts out is always liberating and makes me feel better and b) maybe I'm helping someone out there.  So I will patiently wait for you guys to discover "the complex simplicity" and the awesomeness that I think it is.

My part of the bargain is to provide regular and new material to read.  I admit it's been hard.  I haven't been inspired of late.  God knows I could wax poetic forever about the awesomeness that is growing out of my head.  But I don't want to write about that alone.  I am a professional woman out here in the world, and that's interesting stuff I think.  Marriage also provides enough material to fill a book, so I'll probably write more about that as well.  I'm just working on managing my time a little better.

Driving my mom to work the other day, we talked about goals and I told her what I want to do with myself in the next five years.  I will touch on each individually with a post when I can, but here they are:

  1. develop a successful (read popular) blog about my life and natural hair journey--I've kinda touched on that already with this post.  Like I said, I don't want to only talk about my hair, I want it to be well rounded.  I have to be more regular with my posting; at least weekly.  Even if I just drop in to "water the plants".
  2. possibly transition out of retail pharmacy--more on that later.  I love being a pharmacist, but I've been thinking lately about trying something different.  I don't's been 10
  3. Philanthropy--would definitely love to start a nonprofit to provide educational (and other) support to the youth of Atlantic City--I will touch on this more in a later post as well
  4. laying down roots--I think the hubby and I will be buying a condo or a house soon
  5. travel--my passport is needs to see some sunlight and fresh locales
I will conclude here I guess.  Like I said I want to touch on some of these goals in further detail individually.  I think I have said enough about #1 in this post.  I am working on a couple things on the list so I will touch on those as well when the time is right.  I ask one favor of the people who drop by and my "microfollowing"...if you like what you read, tell a friend, tweet my link, +1 me, like me on facebook, ya know the's appreciated!

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