Saturday, May 12, 2012

The justification defense

It's so funny how every time I want to make a purchase, I have to justify it in my mind (or to other people).  When I decided to start blogging again, first thing I thought was, "my blog would be taken to the next level if only I had a new macbook."  I just bought a new pair of sneakers last week and my inner voice said, "yeah, Chan, these are for your new job.  You need some cute sneakers that you can rock with your scrubs."  I even almost talked myself into buying a SLR camera! (I'm going to New Orleans, and a new camera is a NECESSITY!!!)  It really isn't though.  I take a good 90% of my pictures with my iphone and actually, I have a perfectly good camera that I hardly's a sickness.

Why do I do this? Do I feel guilty when I spend money?  Maybe a little.  But I work hard (2 jobs now) so I deserve to splurge a little right?  Funny thing is, anyone who knows me knows I used to have a fetish for bags.  But I never made up a justification for any of those, and I've got some expensive ones...ugh.  I guess because any justification I tried to come up with for a Luis Vuitton satchel would fall flat, smh.

Then there's what I call feen mode.  When the seed is planted in my mind that I want something, I become obsessed.  I stalk whatever it is on the internet.  I visit the item in the store.  And God forbid it's a trek to get the item.  I'll drive the distance to get it.  One time I drove to Marlton (about 45 minutes) from where I live to go to William Sonoma to get this electric grill I HAD to have. (I needed a grill to make stellar hot dogs and chicken breasts!)  I HATE internet shopping with a passion (hate waiting) so If it's on the ground (somewhere) I'll drive to get it.  I. AM. A. SICK. PUPPY!

Is anyone else like this?  Surely I can't be the only one.  I found out it's genetic because some of my siblings are the same way.  But what about you guys?  I need some folks to start a support group!

1 comment:

  1. Well you know my Nintendo 3DS tale so I'm right there with ya! :D
