Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Heffa Where You Been

Once upon a time, I got the brilliant idea to start a blog. Boy was I enthusiastic about it!  Whenever I got an idea that I thought would make an interesting topic, I dropped everything and jotted it down. I wrote a couple entries, and then, nothing.
What happened, you may ask. Well, nothing really. I just got lazy and time slips away so quickly.
Well it's been 6 months since I started the blog, and I really think I'm ready to get back into it. Not that anything earth shattering has happened in the past six months, its just that the following thoughts have come to mind:

  • I'm bored!  Many a night has passed that I think to myself, what could I do to pass the time besides laze around on the couch?  I could be writing...
  • When I started the blog, I was one month along on my natural hair journey.  Well now I'm 7 months in.  My hair has grown tremendously, and now I get questions about my hair all the time. So, I'm going to talk more about it here.  I plan to post pix ( I have a million pix on facebook), discuss the products I'm trying, etc.  I know, you think to yourself, aren't there enough blogs about that?  Yeah, but if people ask me stuff, and want to know what I do, they can come here.  (Instead of me prattling on and on while I'm trying to fill prescriptions, or eat dinner, or buy toilet get the idea)  
  • It is my hope that I will also soon document the steps I'm taking to be more healthy as a whole.  I'm not there yet but I'm trying to get in the right mindset.
Of course, I will still talk about the adventures of being a professional in her thirty's in the always exciting South Jersey.  But this is the direction I plan to head in.  As a matter of fact, my next entry will be about something my family is going through now that alot of people can relate to.  At the minimum, I hope to post once a week.  I will see how it goes.  Hope you guys enjoy it!

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