Saturday, September 18, 2010

Allow Myself to Introduce...Myself!

I have always had a love of writing, I thought that would be meshed somehow in what I ended up doing career-wise, but I went in a different direction because my love for science trumped my love of writing.  Recently, I decided to write a blog because it seemed like the best way to get my thoughts out.  So here I am!  But first a little background...
mike,me,dennis, and my nephew mikey

I was born and raised in Atlantic City, New Jersey, the middle child of 3, my two brothers and me (on my mother's side) many more on my father's side.  I now live right outside of A.C.  In 2005, I married the love of my life, my hubby Tarus after a "courtship" of 11 years.  I'm sure I'll talk about our early years at some point in time on this blog.  We were high school sweethearts and that was a roller coaster!  Now we have settled into corny married life : D.

our wedding day 2005
us now
I currently work as a pharmacist at a big 24 hour CVS.  And, no, it's not as fun as you may think it is...
dealing with sick people can be a bit...challenging for lack of a better word.  But, I've been doing it now for 9 years, and in the words of Dwight from RHWOA "it's what I do".

Then there's the other love of my life, my Yorkshire Terrier, Tartar.  She's a demon seed, but she's also cute as hell.  She entertains me for endless hours.  My husband gave me her as an anniversary gift last year.

Tartar at 3 months old
tartar now
I suppose that's enough background for now.  If I tell you everything, what will I write about later?

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